Legal entities and jurisdiction
Who you are having a business relationship with using Bull Bitcoin
Legal entities
Depending on which country on are using Bull Bitcoin, you are will be entering into a business relationship with different legal entities.
Canada: Canadian users are entiering into a business relationship with Satoshi Portal Inc., a Canadian corporation headquartered in Calgary, Alberta.
Europe: If you located in one of the countries of the European Union, or one of the countries of the SEPA zone, or one of the countries of the EEA, you are dealing with Leonod SARL, a French company headquarterd in Lyon.
Costa Rica: If you are located in Costa Rica, you are dealing with Toro Pagos Limitata, a Costa Rican company headquartered in San Jose.
Mexico: If you are located in Mexico, you are dealing with Toro Pagos, a Mexican company headquartered in Mexico City.
Last updated
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